익산 서동축제, 益山薯童節, Iksan Seodong Festival
2022. 10. 3. 10:00ㆍ사진-Photo
익산에서 축제하는데,
저녁에 다녀왔습니다.
축제 장소가 외각인데,
셔틀버스를 운행해줘서 그거 타고,
생각보다 많은 사람들이 축제장에 방문했습니다.
Festival held at Iksan city,
I visited there at evening.
That place is little outside,
I used shuttle bus.
There are much people visited, more than I thought.

Today is so good.

Shell we walk together?

Now you must be bright this time

Everything will be fine