호반새 Kingfisher

2012. 6. 16. 19:00사진-Photo



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카메라 들고 가까이 가면 도망가더만, 오늘은 사진 찍기에 성공했습니다. (크롭한 사진)

인터넷에 올리니 호반새라고 합니다.

 겨울엔 필리핀 등지에 있다가 여름엔 일본 한국 중국 동북부로 오며,

호수나 논에서 개구리 가제 등을 잡아다가 기절시켜 먹는다고 한데나...

울음소리도 특이합니다.

Now I live in countryside, One of bird come and heading in windows.

Not once, just heading many time.

Same as dove and magpie size, orange feather.

I though it is a kind of woodpecker because that bird heading wondow.

Today, I success take photo that (it was crop).

I upload that photo, and someone wrote that bird is Kingfisher.

At winter, it live near Philiphin and at summer come Korea , Japan and northeast part of China.

Live near lake, catch frog and eat it after make insemsible.

Birdcall feel strange.